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作家相片Ruihan Wang

Pre-Production Meeting


Meeting Time: Monday 5 p.m. (Feb. 16)



Groupmember: Jialin Mei

  • The host of the podcast speaks in segments 1,2,3 and the introduction

  • Identifies 3 images that can be used on the microsite

Groupmember: Kexin Zeng

  • Speaks in segments 2 and 3

  • Record Zoom podcast and edit the audio

  • Find appropriate music for the transition and introduction part

Groupmember: Cuiwen Zhou

  • Speaks in segment 1,2,3

  • Integrate everyone's outline and subtopics to form a final three subtopics and the theme idea.

  • Combine all members' outlines to form an overall script

Groupmember: Baiyu Wang

  • Speaks in segments 1, 2, 3

  • The director of the podcast and notify everyone deadline

Groupmember: Ruihan Wang

  • Speaks in segments 1 and 2

  • Collects sources from all group members and makes a full list of References to be included on the microsite

  • Creates microsite account at Wix and shares with a group (microsite editor)



For the roles/responsibilities part, we first talk about eneryone's pros and cons. For example, Kexin is good at edit audio since she has taken Music46 before, and Jialin prefers to be the host since she thinks she is not good at editing. Thus, most roles are chosen by ourselves according to our strengths.

For the part of the technical aspects, our group decided to record a Zoom meeting, and everyone meets at the same time. Then Kexin will edit the audio, such as cutting out influent audio track.

For the content/structure part, the title of our podcast is "Disney Films & Gender Social Norms" There totally three segments, with one introduction. The leader for the introduction and first segment is our host Jialin. Cuiwen is the leader for the second segment, and Baiyu is the leader for the third segment. Between each segment, the editor Kexin will play a short piece of music as a transition.


To do list:

  1. Identify two subtopics that I want to talk about

  2. Fully understand theme topic and subtopics

  3. Determine which film and article can be quoted

  4. Write an outline/script

  5. Read other group members' outline

  6. Find connections between group members' and mine script

  7. Write the final script

  8. Check the pronunciation of the new words

  9. Think about how to take the words of the previous member

  10. Rehearse it myself by speaking the complete sentence

  11. Charge the computer and ensure the network

  12. Weak up early and sit in front of the table

  13. Wait for recording


Recording day: Tuesday 5 p.m. (Feb.17)

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